VITSPRO, LTD is a part of Beingcert's Testing Network and conforms to their strict standards in providing a secure testing environment.

Beingcert® is a leading International Association of customized certification solutions for different professional needs. Headquartered in USA, the professionals are from USA, Europe and Asia.

The organization strength lies in its ability to deliver quality certification solutions maintaining an International Network. We offer a comprehensive portfolio of internationally recognized certifications including Lean Six Sigma, ISO, Project Management, Certified Sales and Marketing Professional™, Business Management Professional™, Certified Cloud Computing Certifications, Premium IT Certifications, Certified Software Tester Foundation, Intermediate and Advanced level certifications, Professional Management, Data Center, Information Security Certifications and many more. Beingcert Certifications are widely accepted and recognized by leading industry Professionals, Corporates and Other Institutions.


  • ISO Certifications
  • Lean Six Sigma Certifications
  • Scrum Master Certifications
  • Software Testing CertifIcations
  • Agile Testing Certifications
  • Web Developer Certification
  • Project Management Certifications
  • Data Center Certifications

Need to Book an Exam?

For Exam scheduling candidates are advised to refer to the appropriate test sponsor’s website.

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